Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Sadgrove & Wright: making sense

June 3, 2009
    Feast of Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, Teacher, 1910
    Commemoration of Martyrs of Uganda, 1886 & 1978

    Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
    —Psalm 16:9,10 (NIV)

    The very uniqueness of the Resurrection as a historical event always causes problems when we try to describe it, just as it did for the original writers. Nevertheless, the background to the New Testament is one of expectation of resurrection, and only the historical rising again of Jesus makes sense of the narrative in this context.
    ... Michael Sadgrove (1950- ) & Tom Wright (1948- ), "Jesus Christ the Only Saviour" in Obeying Christ in a Changing World, J. R. W. Stott, ed., Vol. 1: The Lord Christ. London: Collins, 1977, p. 73 (see the book)

Quiet time reflection:
    Lord, in You is our hope of resurrection.

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