Friday, August 16, 2024

Blake: God appears, and God is Light

Saturday, August 17, 2024
    In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
    —John 1:4-5 (NIV)
God appears, and God is Light
    To those poor souls who dwell in night,
But does a human form display
    To those who dwell in realms of day.
    ... William Blake (1757-1827), Poems of William Blake, ed. William Butler Yeats, London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1893, p. 472 (see the book)
    See also John 1:4-5; Isa. 9:2; 50:10; 60:1-3,19; Luke 2:30-32; John 8:12; 12:46; Eph. 5:8-14; 1 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 1:5-7; Rev. 22:5
Quiet time reflection:
    Lord, You light lifts all Your people out of darkness.
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