Monday, July 08, 2024

Edersheim: the depth

Tuesday, July 9, 2024
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
    —Psalm 139:8 (NIV)
    However low I may sink, there is not a depth but grace goes still deeper.
    ... Alfred Edersheim (1825-1889), The Golden Diary of Heart Converse with Jesus in the Book of Psalms, London: J. Nisbet & Company, 1866, p. 56 (see the book)
    See also Ps. 139:8; Deut. 33:27; Ps. 130:1; Jon. 2:2; Luke 18:1; 19:10; Rom. 8:38-39; Phil. 4:6; Heb. 10:17-24
Quiet time reflection:
    Lord, Your grace is inexhaustible.
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