Saturday, September 19, 2020

Reeves: meeting Jesus

Saturday, September 19, 2020
    Commemoration of Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, 690
    We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death.
    —1 John 3:14 (NIV)
    What makes life worth living is the mutual enrichment of people through understanding, intelligence and affection.
    It is just here that our awareness that Jesus is our contemporary and that Calvary is relevant to our present human situation ought to help us greatly. And that is not merely because in his relationships with others during his earthly life in Palestine Jesus exemplified all that I have tried to say about human relationships. In every genuine human encounter with another person we may become aware of Jesus, and meet with him. This may sound fanciful, but there is much in the Scriptures and in Christian experience which suggests that Jesus is frequently met in the traffic of person with person, provided that there is a genuine encounter between them. Jesus himself showed that for this to happen demands courage and a willingness to move from a life that is centred in itself. So if we are to pass out of that lonely world of isolation then we must be prepared to take the risks that are always involved when we allow persons to confront us as persons and do not regard them as things. Yet, dangerous though it may be to live in this way, it is the only way to live.
    ... Ambrose Reeves (1899-1980), Calvary Now, London: SCM Press, 1965, p. 76-77 (see the book)
    See also 1 John 3:14; Matt. 19:13-15; 25:34-40; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 10:29-37; 18:15-17; John 13:35; Heb. 13:1; 1 Pet. 1:22; 3:8; 1 John 4:7-8; 5:2
Quiet time reflection:
    Whom do I treat as a thing rather than a person?
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