Friday, March 04, 2016

Warfield: how to think of God

Friday, March 4, 2016
    Commemoration of Felix, Bishop, Apostle to the East Angles, 647
    I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
    —Exodus 20:2 (ESV)
    The Old Testament does not occupy itself with how Israel thought of God. Its concern is with how Israel ought to think of God. To it, the existence of God is not an open question; nor his nature; nor the accessibility of knowledge of him. God himself has taken care of that. He has made himself known to his people, and their business is not to feel after him if haply they may fumblingly find him, but to hearken to him as he declares to them what and who he is. [Continued tomorrow]
    ... Benjamin B. Warfield (1851-1921), “God’s Revelation of Himself to Israel”, in Sunday School Times, August 4, 1907, p. 289 (see the book)
    See also Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6; Ps. 50:7; 81:10; Hos. 13:4; Amos 1:1; Rom. 3:29
Quiet time reflection:
    Lord, in Your mercy, You have shown Yourself to us in Jesus Christ.
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