Friday, January 08, 2010

Beginning the 15th year of CQOD

Dear friends of CQOD,
    Today marks the 14th anniversary of the Christian Quotation of the Day. A lot has changed in that time, and the Internet itself has evolved into a far different medium compared to its beginnings. The most recent year has been a particularly exciting time.
    CQOD has been further integrated with the Internet through the CQOD blog, RSS, HTML email, the Bible Gateway, Facebook, Twitter, mobile CQOD, the portable CQOD for your website through Javascript, and more than anything else, Google Books. Because whole books are now available online from the classics, I hope CQOD encourages you to look at the work of (some of) these classical spiritual writers. As new technologies emerge, I hope you will write to me about any possible application to the ministry of CQOD.
    For you preacher creatures (students, too), there are some new features that have reached such a point of maturity as to be useful. The subject index has 546 subjects listing almost 8000 references to salient quotations. Further, the Scripture index lists 4500 references from almost 2700 distinct Bible passages. That’s enough to make it likely that you will find the passage you are preaching on next week (even if it is Nahum 1:3). You might find some quotations that serve some purpose in your sermon preparation. These indices will continue to expand in the coming years, God willing.
    Speaking of God’s will, the times we live in are making for anxious lives and shaking the foundations for people all around us, and perhaps for ourselves or those we love, as well. For those who are worried about the immediate or extended future, we have this: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb. 13:8 NIV). We are not to place our trust in princes of any kind, even when, as in democratic countries, we are the princes. Our confidence belongs in the One who rules in justice and might, Whose word is truth, and Who will make all things right. It is as true in this troubled new year as in past ones, and the authority of God is no more to be doubted in these times than any other.
    I hope that you will join me in the effort and intent to make this a year of priestly intercession, Godly trust, and active charity. Let this be the year when those gifts, which are given to all believers in the Body, grow to full maturity. For, we may let “the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea” (Ps. 46:2), but those who fear Him will not be shaken. We will be borne up by the “river whose streams make glad the city of God.” That river is the continuous flow of His word into our lives, through the power and presence of the Spirit. I will have more to add on this subject in the coming weeks.
    May the God of mercy grant you a happy and holy new year.


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