Thursday, April 11, 2024

Trueblood: believe in

Friday, April 12, 2024
    [Jesus:] “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”
    —John 14:1 (KJV)
    A Christian is a person who, though he knows that he is both ignorant and imperfect, believes that he has a clue to reality. He is not willing to settle for the notion that finite things and finite persons constitute the whole of reality, because he can see they all point beyond themselves. In short, he believes in God. There is a radical difference between “believe in” and “believe that.” The person who believes in involves his whole self in an attitude of trust.
    ... Elton Trueblood (1900-1994), The Future of the Christian, Harper & Row, 1971, p. 79 (see the book)
    See also John 14:1; Ps. 139:6; Eccl. 11:5; Isa. 12:2; Mark 9:24; John 6:29,40; 12:44; Rom. 8:24-26; 1 Cor. 3:19; 1 Pet. 1:21; 1 John 5:10-11
Quiet time reflection:
    Lord, I do not understand Your ways, but help me to trust You.
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